This player filed a ridiculous report against me. I simply defended myself and apparently I was "Disrespecting players" on the report. The report was me "Disrespecting" players by saying "Damn it"
I have only been mod for 2 days, so I'm still new. I would like @ScoFu13 to deal with this as his is far more experience than I am.
I'm sorry for posting but judging by the title of the thread you are reporting a player for rate abuse? Since you are mod you can simply apply the warning points needed and remove the ratings given by the player, provided you have proof of the abuse. There is no reason for a report. Your description however in the actual report would seem as though you are reporting a player for reporting you? o.o You can't report a player for making a report against you... However, the rules do state that should a player make a false report against a staff member with the intention of demotion, he/she is subject to warning points as a disciplinary measure. Please know I am trying to help. I believe Scofu is visiting family for the Hollidays, but @Firo3000 is more than a little experienced. He can explain the proper procedure for this sort of thing. As for the report against you, new mods get a lot of flack the first few weeks. Try not to let it get to you. Mistakes happen. That's how we learn. Best of luck. Hidden Content: You must reply before you can see the hidden data contained here.
I dealt with the rate abuse. Since you're a new staff member, I assume you do not know what rate abuse is. Rate abuse is whenever a forum user abuses the rate system as least three times. For example, if I rate three of your posts with three dislikes, then that's considered rate abuse. If you have any more questions, feel free to simply PM me.
Thank you for your report. This report has been resolved. This thread was moved to Reports - Archives.