Alright, I'm not entirely sure what to call this, as it might not be abuse, but I don't think it's the correct thing the Staff member should be doing, so I'm going to make a report. I joined Thorraks' faction on Prison recently, and in the flat world he has a base, he keeps chests in his fac base full of contraband items, I understand contraband items confiscated are to be disposed of at /warp Guard, I have asked him to do this, he refuses, and he kicked me from the faction for showing a Staff member it, I believe this is somewhat abuse of the power he has been given because there is a place to dispose of items for a reason, you are not supposed to keep them for personal benefit, nor are you supposed to keep them at all, he has been a Staff member for a while now, so it's expected he would know this. Proof: Thanks for reading this report, if it is invalid, please state so below(I don't want any players besides Staff commenting, and I don't want Thorraks commenting except for when he is asked a question or tagged), please explain this if it is in fact a valid report @thorraks1.
"I'm not quite sure what to call this, as it might not be abuse" I wasn't stating it was abuse, I was stating that this isn't the way you should have taken care of this, and even after being asked by a Staff member to dispose of them you didn't, why?
i keep these item for see how many people i jailed. it makes me happy to see all of these diamond sword in my chest.
also its like keeping guard sword, or any diamond sword. all the diamond sword are contraband. and you can ask every mod, im sure all of them have diamond sword somewhere.
As i know you are not a "staff member" so when you say " even after being asked by a staff member to dispose of them you didn't" its not true cause the only one who asked me to dispose of them is you.
Pops asked you to dispose of them, you didn't. That's not the question at hand, please don't try to play this off.
First pop never asked me to. Also im not trying to play this off. Look if you think i keep these item because i want to use them, thats not true.( also going to bed so i wont reply for some time. Sorry)
Pop did ask you to, don't deny this. The point is not what you were keeping them for, it's that you kept them, you are not supposed to keep them, and when you were reminded of this and asked to, you didn't, you kept them, this was a choice made by you, for whatever the reason.
Get rid of the items, they're not meant to be kept. That's literally all you're hear from me on this, unless that's ignored.
Thorraks, was this really needed? Why do you think we have disposables at warp guard? To dispose of contraband. We're not meant to keep it.
UnHidden Content: ************************************************************************************************************************************************************ If you would like to keep track of people that you jail, make yourself a jail log, like I did with mine.
One thing I'm gonna add to this, it's not like "keeping a Guard sword", he could easily have salvaged all of these items, he could've been raided, a lot of things could happen, it's better to just dispose of them, also, he still has not gotten rid of them, as he might be asleep, could somebody go on and do that for him?
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