Okay, Obviously you don't know how to duplicate. This is an invalid thread as Terrick said. Could a Moderator lock this? @Chloyybear4ever @MaxNinja10
This thread was made to either have the item taken away or make it impossible to place as sooner or later it will some how be duped and will ruin the economy and the fun of the Op-Facs server
Wtf I'm just making sure others game play doesn't get ruined when you decide to sell the spawners or ..... You get the picture
You didn't even read what i just said. I don't wish to comment on this more as you are trying to turn this into a argument by trying to point out the negative things of what I'm trying to explain to you. Please do not continue down this path.
I've already sold 3 of them. 2 for an Optifine cape and 1 for someone to get my friend Elite. I probably won't keep the last one, As the nether will be re enabled soon enough.
@PopIs_MyLife Could you lock this? I believe Merks is the only one who can deal with this report, Terrick might be able to.
I'll be deleting the posts from non related people later. Please be patient while us mods discuss this. Locking for now, to prevent off topic posts.
Re-opening, as its been like 15 days... I'm going to be completely honest here, I'm not familiar with all the duping going on recently. I'm not sure what is considering duping and what isn't...but by the looks of Ducky's and Terrick's comments, I'm on the side that it isn't. I'm actually going to bring this up to the Staff Chat now, since obviously it wasn't discussed beforehand. I'm unlocking it, for the owner of this thread never requested it to be locked, and all off-topic comments will be given infraction points and deleted...