Your in-game name: TheHiddenOne143 The Offenders In-game name: Rei1230 Reason: Hacking Notice at the end he dosnt take kb and hits me from 4 blocks away and kills me
FIRST you just don't quit do you i do not hack i've had 2 false bans why cant i not be reported just by you and your friend And there are no hacks in that video fix your graphics would be helping a lot i did not hack in that video i have no proof of it but you always turn while i attack you you cant see me attacking you clearly either this proves nothing i did nothing hack i do not want to be banned again for another reason again because i am sick and tired of this happening to me is because i never use hacks just quit saying i hack if you were good you would beat me today you at least brought me down to 1 heart and a half today and one more thing I have not MISINTERPRETED the rules in any way
Please mods just don't ban me i don't want to be banned 3 times in a week cause of false hacks its just bogus
It looks a little bit suspicious that Rei gets no hits, then all of a sudden stars getting constant kits. Possible toggling.
**************************************************************************Guys, at the end of the video you can see some suspicious things. I want opinions please. @Chloyybear4ever @MaxNinja10 @PopIs_MyLife @canucksfan44 @PandaBear__ @VaMeSa123
****************************************************************************************************************************I was thinking the same thing. Let's see what others say.
********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* I'm not seeing any type of crit hacks. With crit hacks you can see the player doing tiny jumps, none Of which I saw. We also need to think about what kind of gear the player may have been using. Rei is usually equipped with titan a titan sword. TheHiddenone is obviously using p2 considering the way his inventory looks and the fact that he is a god. P2 can take a lot of damage against another with a Titan sword. These are things that need to be taken into consideration.
Thehiddenone143 you are also no wearing P4 i have a sharp v sword to in the beginning the first hit you looked back a reason why you might think i hacked there is because you jumped in the air and i hit you fast i have my sensitivity at 118%
My sensitivity is at hyper speed with my mouse at 1400 DPI and i can barley to that. Explain how you didnt take kb and hit me from 4 blocks at the end??
First of all it was 3 blocks away don't over react and how i did that was aiming close to the legs i heard in youtube aiming for the legs is better it can reach farther and hit a lot faster