Hi this is duckymomooo I really miss my pet chicken so I think their should be pets in the game to make it more funny Its up to you guys to make that happen I am just saying this because I think it will make it more fun with pets and their are being missed by their owners BABY COME BACK @chicken I miss you papa will come get u :(
thats all about that you can turn to a human thats the special rank your can be any one u can I really dont think that
the pets plugin is currently not updated to this server version. They are finding and alternative plugin to take its place. so it will be a while.
Pet should be back soon. Same with disguise. The reason being that /pet and /d are not updated to 1.8.
Then why haven't they removed it from the rank information? Because there is a small possibility of it coming back. It's got nothing to do with server lag.
I like the use of /pet and /d but other times, no. Like people have commented, the plugin isn't updated to 1.8. Also, disgieusing is bad. Titans, they can turn into a player to trick you. They can turn into a mod using there username. Finally, pets are SUPER annoying on pop and building. *Drops tablet, walks away*
Lol I missed pets. When I had my legends152 account, I went on creative, did /pet human and did /v and /pet name &cNoobcrew. I tpyed to people and all they saw was noobcrew xD
@flare_snuggles I get what your saying, Im a Titan.. and honestly.. I can agree with you. but Maybe us titans can keep our pets etc. but We have to vow to use them wrongfully. I am one of the titans that doesn't grief /get people in trouble.. And if they break that vow.. the titans can either get perm banned.. or a long temp ban.. etc.. Because ever seince /pet and /d we removed.. I saw quite a few people leaving the server becuz they loved the plugin soo much,.. so I would recommend getting the plugin back :D PS: I vow not to use it wrongfully :D