Your ingame name:Marloodog The offender's ingame name:SkillBill63 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:Hacking Here are links to hacks ! Tpa Trapping !
No they actually haven't so stop trying to get out of it one of them was 4 days ago. We forgot to put on forums
and them two vids are old at the bottom Published on 2 Nov 2014 Published on 19 Oct 2014 thatst when the vid was posted
No Hacks ? There is so much hacks it's kill aura Nov 2 2014 is not long ago it's like a week ago mate
Stop lying. Do you seriously want me to list every report connected to this evidence because of your imature behavior?
The video of him supposedly 'hacking' has already been used in another report, one that I denied actually, due to the fact that no hacks were shown throughout the video. The videos at the bottom has also been used, and to reckon on, SkillBill has already been banned for one of the reports, no need for him to be banned again for the same crime. Closing this report due to the fact that all three of the videos have been used before in pass reports.