My Ign NoobCupCake Offenders Ign Ducky_Puppy Rule Broken: I am lead to believe that this item has been cheated into the game. But all i know is he is the only person i have seen with nether spawners and i wish to know how seeing the nether is disabled I am posting this because this member has a fair some of rare items and i do not wish to see them duped.
Look, Another person trying to get me banned. Well guess what. On the first 24 hours of OP Factions building in the Nether was enabled. Me and Kzhalps found a nether fortress and mined 6 Blaze Spawners and killed multiple Wither Skeletons for heads. If you want to report me then do it with some evidence.
It wasn't open for the first 24 hours because soon as I could I made a portal and let it a light with a fire charge and it wouldn't let me enter the area
I do not wish for him to be banned/muted or warned i wish for the spawners to be taken away to stop duping as it is going to happen sooner or later
The nether was there, it was worldguarded to prevent building, then disabled completely. The spawners could have been obtained legit, or duped and given to him, never know, but they're not being taken without evidence of a dupe, as they were obtainable when the server was first added.
Thank you Terrick. As for anyone who wants to know the story here it is: Me and @Jandalboi were waiting for the servers to get reset in the lobby, as they got reset we went on normal factions because we thought it would be more popular and fun. We got the egg then got bored so we went to OP Factions. We traveled to the end killed someone while they were killing the dragon and Jandalboi got the egg. Then we went back to the stronghold and made a nether portal to look for a Nether Fortress. @Zack | kzhalps tagged along with us. We found one in a matter of 5 minutes and quickly tried to break a Blaze Spawner. We found out the Silk Spawners plugin wasn't working correctly yet so we waited. It eventually started working so we mined 4. Later my friend BlazingPanda12 gave me one as a gift. @legends152 now has 2 of the blaze spawners. I don't see how you could duplicate something if you didn't have it in the first place.
If the spawners got duped it would ruin the economy on the game type, I have seen things such as spawners ruin servers a long with any other rare item
What i mean is if they are some how duped it could ruin the economy worse then it already has been which would force another reset
You clearly didn't read what i just posted. I said if they are some how duped it could ruin the economy like what the other spawners have done
okay so b4 when people could build in the nether me ducky and th3nick went into the nether looking for withers.... we silk the spawners we got like 5 but i died with 1 and ducky had the last four....