Yea I didn't mean to rate that many dumb I only meant to rate 2 that I felt was dumb but I'm on my phone and the scrolling I HATE but I accept any punish meant I get sorry
I did believe me or not I will remove them once I can find what I put them in mind linking me it? I don't even know anyways as I said before I will accept any punish meant I receive
As what rachet said this is not rate abuse except for ringo Since a mod is apart of this report only scofu or cyp can handle it. 1 negative rating from almarobb and kitkat isnt really rate abuse. Ducky gave you 2. Rate Abuse: Is when 3 + more ratings received between a very short time interval e.g a second. I will warn ringo but I will lock it for scofu to make his decision
This isn't a mod report...ScoFu doesn't need to resolve it in order for it to be resolved. Kitkat and almarobb did not rate abuse you. If a moderator rates one of your posts negatively, they did it because they are allowed to. There is no rule against a moderator rating someones post negatively. You cannot report a moderator for expressing their opinion. If they couldn't they would be able to. Ducky gave you two, as Fry said. Ringo has been warned, and I'm nearly positive the ratings have been removed. If not, please PM me and link me to all the threads where he rate abused you.
Thank you for your report. This report has been resolved. This thread was moved to Reports - Archives.