Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: Xrosmage The offender's ingame name: @Ducky @AlmaRobb @Ringo24 @GizzBots @kitkat6605910 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Team rate abuse Evidence/screenshots. Possible rules that could be in question include but are not limited to: Disrespect Flaming Cursing Advertising Spamming Rate abusing
Team rate abuse?? I only rated ONE of your posts disagree because you said rate abuse isn't ban able.. I would never rate abuse a player >.>
What a load of bull instead of seeing this thread and even bother looking which you never do since your lazy you rate me bad you did not even have anything to do with that thread and all you did was rate me bad unless with solid evidence that you were not rating me dumb with them then thats rate abuse.
Rate abuse is rating a person negative 3 times. I am allowed to rate your post.. Don't call me lazy or horrible. That's disrespect. @ScoFu13
What i am only stating true facts before you were a mod you were very disrespectful your saying this doesnt count as rate abuse right so what would happen if i got all my friends and started rating you dumb only twice??? that is not rate abusing it is.
I was never disrespectful to you. I'm sorry they rated your posts dumb? I cant do much about it if someone rates you negative. Ducky only rated two of your posts dumb. Also, I never asked them to rate you negative.
I still have not got an answer to this you are saying this is acceptable then wow thats great also with more of those negatives i have recieved
Ok, listen here. Ringo, Ducky and me don't really talk. I only ever talk to Ringo about IRL Problems and ducky only messages me and asks stuff like: 'Can you look at the report I made?' etc.
What if you were in a Skype call ???? with a group since theres more than two of you guys you all could have deleted the convo theres no proof. you do not have solid evidence.
I was never in a Skype call with any of them. Locking this to prevent further arguments. Only @CypriotMerks or @ScoFu13 can do something.
That's not rate abuse, I've never even come across team rate abuse, the ones that rated your post with a disagree rating means that they disagree with your post, on crew's other forums skyblock, the disagree rating is actually not a negative rather than a neutral rating so you don't actually receive a negative rating, sorry if that's why you feel bad about it. But in general, this is not counted as rate abuse because neither of them have given you 3 or more negative ratings. The only player that I see that rate abused here is Ringo.
You rated abused me? Why would I team rate abuse when I dislike 2 of the other players that you mentioned.