I don't think you could possibly be serious with this. You shouldn't use the "Report a Staff" section for jokes. If you are serious, this is so beyond what is reportable I don't even know what to respond. EDIT: Judging by the dumb rating, you seriously think Lola shouldn't have spammed you with permanently banned messages. I would appreciate if you would remove that rating.
I'm very sorry for that. Is just that I warned you and it didn't work, so I was like "why this doesn't work?" So I tried several times and it didn't work. My apologies for this.
and I get perm banned from the forums. it could not really walk. I will have to make appeals, reports, topics
I wanted to ban you perm because right now your account is banned on forums and you are ban evading. But it seems like it doesn't work.
I was assuming that counted, since he's not supposed to be doing anything on this account. No problem :>
If you make an alt when you're currently banned on the forums, you could only use it to make reports and ban appeals, not to rate other people's post, thus, resulting in a perm ban. Hidden Content: You must reply before you can see the hidden data contained here.
Incorrect. The absolute ONLY thing you can do with a forum alt is a ban appeal. No reports, no ratings, nothing but your appeal.
Gemma, you know the rules, you cant post in report a staff sections. Don't get yourself in trouble for something like this, it will be delt with by sco and cyp. Give me a rate when you read this so I can remove it.
This is an absolutely ridiculous report. It is not spam, you had a ton of warning points against you and should be permantly forum banned and she added more infractions as you werent being banned. I am having Cyp reset your points and then you will be forum banned. I suggest not making an alt for any other purpose than a ban appeal. Locking and Archiving due to not a valid staff report.