Your ingame name: MCPDDaniel The offender's ingame name:Atomball1 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: I would not know what rule they broke but I dont think it is right they can Ip Track me and ddose me I would like this player permently banned Evidence/screenshots. Screen shot
Sorry to post, but I had someone post something like this(but a bit worse) on my forums profile- nothing happened. Although, that is freaky- that basically means they have done an IP check. This shouldn't be appropriate- even simple threats like this can freak people out...
As Pop said, there is no evidence that atom threatened to DDOS or hack you. 24 hours to provide more proof if there is any more available.
As I was with atom when his happened because he lives down the street from me he was asking a question. Nothing of harm. I don't see how you can find this as a permanent ban.