I agree with pvpgurl I never see her on :/ Iv been on the forms for like 5 days stigjr OMG spelling! Sorry for posting here
Hidden Content: You must reply before you can see the hidden data contained here. No. Pile had more than one server to monitor. She had .net forums, Skywars, and Mineverse (which contains more than more than one server).
We are dealing with MINEVERSE not any other servers. I realize she has lots to do but she has been appointed to be a mod here aswell as her other duties. If she is falling to do so I think action needs to be taken.
Yes, they can. And, no, she wasn't mod on skywars for long, and this thread isn't about her. I'm not here to do comparisons between every mod. The forums have nothing to do with this either, otherwise we might as well add on that every mod has the forums and all of the servers to worry about. If you have something to say about Taylor, then by all means post it, but leave Pile out of this thread, as it's not a report on her and has nothing to do with her. And? We're dealing with MV not having a life, school, job, or any other form of connection outside MV, they might as well just live on the server then? No, don't add unnecessary comments bud.
The one you edited after I posted? Logic fails on your end, bud. I don't care for your opinion, as she was "appointed mod" without an application for reasons beyond your comprehension. Once again, you're not on my end of this, so you're clueless and completely ignorant when it comes to these sorts of things. Gemma made a thread about this exact BS everyone keeps bringing up, pointing out exactly who pays attention, and who's just jealous or a mad little red jelly bean who can't deal with the fact that someone got promoted that wasn't them. As I said before, this report has been dealt with, there's no action to take, as she has her reasons, as well as we have ours. Bringing this up again will yield the same response.
Cyp is the one who decides what amount of "inactivity" is acceptable or not. Thank you for bringing this to everyone's attention. If he feels the need to let her go he will. She is not occupying " a slot ". There is not a set number of moderators allowed on any given server. He will deal with it as he sees fit. These "inactive" threads need to stop. The admin is aware of everyone's activity or lack-there-of. It will be dealt with on our end. He is watching. Thank you for the report. Nothing more needs to be said.