My ign is PvPGurl__ Moderators ign @Taylor Rules broke : Not being active at all. Sorry if I am missing stuff but I havnt seen Taylor be active in forever. Heres a comment from here that I think is really arrogant because she's not active at all. This was on a mod application. She said just be more active and she's not active? Here's the appeals. Don't see 1 appeal that says [taylor]
I can tell you that she moderates a lot of Noobcrew servers, and she knows what she's doing. I just tagged her so she'd see this faster.
Ok. If she takes up moderator spaces though it doesn't help all the other peoe trying to get mod. That's no excuse. If not one report has been done lately and she's been in game for like 1-2 hours not handling reports is crazy and yes skylander
Let's just wait and see her response to this Also, everyone please don't comment unless you are related to this. Off topic comments will be deleted and warning points will be applied.
I deal with reports, just the people I ban don't appeal.. and I've been reported already for this.
As the quote you had from her was on my mod application, I think I can comment here explaining why she said that. If you feel it needs to be removed and warning points applied, I understand. Taylor was legitimately asked if she could moderate here, because she is a good, trustworthy moderator. She moderates another server as well, so her activity has to be split. It's up to Cyp as to if she's too inactive really. Also, I don't know what's with you Mineverse people constantly reporting staff. They try hard, they really do. She has apologized in the other report, and said she will do better. Really, there's no need for two reports on her for the exact same thing.
And I have seen taylor tons of times around the server. Sry for posting here apply warning points if u must I just had to say it cause shes not as inactive as u say.
Yes. Moderating other servers is no excuse. I could tell you of I moderated like 100 servers and was inactive here I would get demoted. She should just be a regular player
I dont see why you feel the need to bash on her. Shes one of two mods who moderate all of crews servers excluding CraftMine and SkyblockIslands. You have zero clue how much she has to deal with. Net is big enough as it is, org is a place full of mods who aren't on in the time shes on, and let alone the amount of advertisers on skywars. People dropped things on Taylor the second she was promoted. Don't continue that. Also, she handles things plenty, if we saw it to be anything but that, she'd of already heard from us. And then again, you're not on my end of this, so you have no clue what she does on mv, and whether or not its up to par with a regular mod. Don't rant about her, thanks.
Well like Pile said she had a kid and plenty of irl things she had to worry about and still got to doing all the reports she did. Btw I never invited you here so please leave.
Once again, pile had one server to worry about and spent her time off work on here and doing other things. Im not going into her situation, everyone's different. Taylor has school and a life she worries about, none of which you need to concern yourself with. This report has already been dealt with, she's fine as is.