Your ingame name: CaptainXgamer15 The offender's ingame name: Taylor1211/ Popis_Mylife A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: incorrect kick Evidence/screenshots. None because i didn't expect it. More info: i was playing mineverse i said some sarcasm to a mod like i always do because most of them are cool like that and i said "Can i touch your booty" and she kicked me while i was in combat and i died i dont even have proof of what i had
As you told me, you said "I want to touch your booty" not saying booty though, you said the curse word. Most people take that offensive and I'm assuming Taylor did. @Taylor @PopIs_MyLife
Infract me for posting here, but you said, "Can I touch your booty'? Sounds a bit sexual don't you think? Specially to a moderator that is 12 years old. When you said that, it probably made her feel uncomfortable.
She sould of msged me not kicking me i died and lost all my stuff 20 stacks of peralz 3 named sharp 5z p4 10 regens...
You guys were being very rude in chat, and Taylor and me did not like it. I'll grab evidence in a second.
It wasn't harsh, I'm sorry if you took it that way. I was just saying that I do not remember you cursing or doing anything that would grab my attention.
Well im sorry for flipping out in chat i just kind lost all my stuff. but like mcnerd said mute me Warning me ingame not kicking me on kit pvp server where im probably pvping
You said this in chat, and yes like said above I wasn't really comfortable with it, also you asked me in chat how old I was. Then, I kicked you, usually a kick is a warning. After, you came back online and said this: Pop then kicked you that time and you blamed it on me.