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  • [Report] All Moderators. [Locked and Archived]

    Discussion in 'Reports' started by Zambiana, Oct 8, 2014.

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    1. CreeperZ

      CreeperZ Experienced Member

      Oct 22, 2013
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      I haven't seen any Mods on Prison in about 3 days it's getting rediculous.
    2. Gemmalove

      Gemmalove Experienced Member

      Aug 9, 2014
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      Was on yesterday or day before with mods.
      Check your timezones, and don't assume that every time you're on everyone else will be available.
    3. CreeperZ

      CreeperZ Experienced Member

      Oct 22, 2013
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      Yes but they need to make it so the timezones are correct for example u can't just have people from australia cause then mods will never be on for english or other sides of the world :)
    4. Gemmalove

      Gemmalove Experienced Member

      Aug 9, 2014
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      Yes, even timezones are nice.
      Ideal even, but sometimes it's just not possible.
      We have to be understanding, because we should be choosing mods based on how good they are, not what timezone, that wouldn't be fair.
    5. CreeperZ

      CreeperZ Experienced Member

      Oct 22, 2013
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      I know but they still need to try and spread it out to make it more even or if not that they need someone to watch players/hackers because lately on prison i've had to create 3 to 5 reports.
    6. jarroy

      jarroy Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      What I'm getting from this post is that you would rather isolate people to only get moderator rank from America, and that's not how it works. What about during the nighttime? There are still players during that time and they cause issues to the server. While we're asleep, the mods from Europe and Australia are awake and are working on the server. Sure, we have fewer mods from such regions because there aren't as many players at night, but we still can't prohibite mods only to America.
    7. Glaadiator

      Glaadiator Boss Member

      Jan 21, 2014
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      All that reading...lol.

      As a person that can take hints easily, I can see that you're clearly referring to me and some other mods. Yes, it's true, I probably did write an extensive amount of hours on my application, at that time it was exactly how much time I would spend on the forums. Over the summer, which was about 3-4 months, I did nonstop work on Mineverse everyday and contributed as much as I could.

      Since then, (not like this argument hasn't been used a couple thousand times) I do have school. I have obviously make a thread in the moderator section regarding my slight inactiveness many times before including for this year. I noted in there, and publicly, that I would be lots more active over the weekend than on weekdays.
      This week, in general, has been very busy, but I guarantee by next week I should be able to come online for more than one hour. I have been contributing as much as I can this week, but it's Thursday, so tomorrow I will be able to be online for a while.

      However, I don't like to defend more than I apologize. So yes, i'm sorry for my inactivity.

      Zambiana, I get what you're trying to say here, and I definitely agree with you on some degrees. This is not my place to say anything, however; if I ever had a problem with any of the mods and their activity on the forums I would just PM them to inform them that they need to step it up a bit. So no, I am not going to provide my take on this as much as some of you would hope for.

      I apologize that you are unhappy with the activeness of the mods-but this is not Skyblock. We have a limited amount of people on our team in contrast to Skyblock, and sometimes the number of mods can cause difficulty regarding reports and appeals.
    8. UncleUrnesto

      UncleUrnesto Boss Member

      Dec 3, 2013
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      I am sorry, but every since Pile_of_Butts, and Grayson, P1nkStr3ak, and a lot of other moderators that have left off, Mineverse seems to be falling to it's knees. We used to have 28 moderators now we only have 20, 20 is not close enough to moderator Mineverse. Most of the moderators are inactive a lot, I don't see half of the moderators that should be on when I am on. Most of the new moderators are not doing nearly the job they are supposed to, I don't know what is going on. But the Moderators that are taking a break, at least give us a warning. I shouldn't be receiving an infraction because this is related to the topic. Like @Zambiana said, if I do get an infraction for commenting on this report, I can report the moderator that gave me an infraction.

      Just every moderator please make a thread if your not going to be active for awhile or just resign. Its simply that you guys don't take moderator as serious as @Pile_of_Butts did.
      Last edited: Oct 8, 2014
    9. Jen

      Jen Well-Known Member

      Sep 21, 2014
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      The mods are doing fine, it's just some certain mods, I'm not going to name names but still, exactly what Lola said, mods have school and study, they can't blow off irl stuff. I know it's a commitment and all but you don't need to be criticising these mods tbh. Pls no flame.
    10. Jen

      Jen Well-Known Member

      Sep 21, 2014
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      In August we actually had 1 Australian mod and that was Jadey64, so there's no reason for you to say you can't have people from Australia because we almost had none..
    11. larrythebird101

      larrythebird101 Boss Member

      Oct 29, 2013
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      You do realize I have to moderate 3 other servers of Crew. I cannot spend every living hour of my moderating on Mineverse, yes I was promoted here to help but the other servers need to be moderated as well. As well as highschool which gives me a lot of homework to do every night. And this thing called "a life"? oh wait I have that :o You try doing this all everyday and see.

      As for the fact I was AFK, I had a reason to be AFK.

      And a 4 day weekend starts for me today, so you'll find me more active during this time.
    12. Daddy

      Daddy Boss Member

      Jan 12, 2014
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      Sorry but why were you promoted here when you are so busy with the other servers, I mean as much as I like you and Taylor since you guys are great Moderators and all but why be promoted on here when you aren't even active within or in game as much as you should be. I mean I understand you got 3 servers but you should be focusing on Mineverse more as it doesn't have just 1 server it has more since it's a Hub server.
    13. larrythebird101

      larrythebird101 Boss Member

      Oct 29, 2013
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      I do apologize for my inactiveness lately on mineverse. School has just been catching up and I've been receiving a lot of homework lately. I will try to be more active here.
    14. PiLe

      PiLe Retired Admin Premium

      Nov 20, 2013
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      Your attitude in this response shows your maturity level.
      I absolutely understand being busy...
      I have a child that I raise on my own.
      I work a fulltime job that's 8 hours a day.
      ...and I also have a "life".
      Yet I was able to do 20 reports daily on average.... all while moderating ALL of mineverse, training and running a crew of moderators here in addition to also moderating 3 servers as well as two forum sites.

      I understand you are new.
      I do.
      I also understand that you are part of a team.
      Right now this team is picking up where I can not and they need you more than ever.
      I wish you the best.
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    15. jedijosiah

      jedijosiah Well-Known Member

      Jun 1, 2014
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      @ScoFu13 can this be moved to off topic as it has become a hate / flame thread and almost every one that is posting is getting infraction points so can this just be moved or locked till cypriotmerkz can have the final say this thread just really is bugging me.
    16. KatoKillsMyGPA

      KatoKillsMyGPA Retired Head-Mod

      Nov 1, 2013
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      I could go over and address a multitude of points that have been erroneously blown up at some attempt to tell the staff team to do better and become more active, but that isn't truly my place here, as I believe there are a myriad of things that could have been said better by both sides. I'm not going to make up excuses, nor have I ever made up excuses for my inactivity because I merely am inactive, but have slowly become more accustomed to doing things on MV, just the same as I do them on Skyblock. I could go into more detail, but honestly there isn't really anything to be said, since the report in a whole is just a mockery of itself regarding the slew of reasoning put forth and while I do agree with many of the said points in a variety of different ways I believe it could definitely be said in a different point of view to help acknowledge and push the moderators to being better, rather than just a good ol' gang em up knock em down kind of feel. If you are offended and off put by my response to this, then I am sorry and hope you can get over my forwardness when addressing this.
      • Like Like x 4
    17. ScoFu13

      ScoFu13 Retired Head-Mod

      Nov 17, 2013
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      I have spoken with Cyp about this, he requested me to lock and archive this.
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