Again do your research... He's been having to do all my and Beefy's ban appeals.
I know we must be active and do what we said on our applications, but tell me, if I am sick and I can't stand being awake, school is hard and you need to study. And Zambiana, I agree with ScoFu.
Being active and helping players is more than just doing reports. You know this and have been seeing everything I have been doing to help the payers in this community. No I have not done reports since pile, pink, grayson, gwism, etc left the team because I have taken over nearly all of their appeals as well as been in game helping players. On top of that, I have been working the unban glitch and doing much more that you don't see all the while you've been doxing and ddosing players over a video game. Thank you for your non relevant opinion.
You're highly misinformed. Odd that I spent 99% of my time on one server but I was also on others often, in fact Prison was the last server I was on, as it has dedicated staff for it so I ducked in it last. When he made me a Mod he knew very well that I wouldn't be as active as others, but I still kept my activeness up as much as I could, because no matter what .org comes first, then .net then Mineverse. This thread was a beautiful ideal on what Moderators are actually decent, look through it, the first reply is a Moderator taking what I said and trying to improve it, then we have you.. no matter what is said you need to maintain a cool head, posting 'hypocritical on a report against you/your team isn't how you go about it. When people reported me, yes maybe I handled them wrong I never turned the report on myself onto the other person. It's clear you have no regard for anyone but yourself, you're selfish and you're one of the few I would have already demoted if I had the ability to. I'm not aiming this at you but yes Mineverse has lost some very active staff, staff members that tried to carry the 'leechers' through it. I have not seen you step up yet and what, you were applying for head-guard and yet you just sit back, you see the loss of Pile is to great, as she did everything, most of you do nothing. I don't care if you call me inactive, because that makes you look more inactive, at least I stuck by the time I said I could manage and when I couldn't? I stepped down. Whatever you want to say, I know you cannot handle criticism, as constructive and un-targeted I tried to make it be. The moment I didn't support your Head-Guard application you went on a rampage and just found anything against me and used it. You personally cannot handle criticism, at all. But let's not make this thread about you, as it's not. It's about the staff team no one wants to lead.
In this thread we have the Zambiana creature in his natural habitat: The Rage thread. In his habitat, the Zambiana attempts to 'help' the moderators by telling them they're doing a bad job. Right now, he's looking for attention, so here- have some!
SomeGuy This Staff Member/Guard hasn't been active at all. He comes on the Forums and such yet hasn't handled reports. The only people I have seen handling the reports on Prison is @thorraks1 who is only active on Prison. @SomeGuy you should be more active in game as well the forums and be handling reports. pokemaniac01 The last time you did a Report or handled any except you have done your Ban Appeals but under Reports, you haven't done anything recently. The last time you handled a report was Sep 21, 2014, and you are going to take a break for a week? That's ridiculous. mineterria Just like Pokemaniac except you recently got Moderator again for the 2nd time and not active. There hasn't been "1" report handled by you since you got re-promoted. Not 1. That's been almost 1 week and not done a report. You also said in your Moderator Application There hasn't been anything done by you except Ban Appeals that you did and you haven't even been on the server for 3 days. Don't tell me you are taking a break to. jadey64 You are ok but not as active as you really should be. I could probably list more Moderators that need to wake up and realize that they need to be more active but flat out what good is that going to do? They either will take it harsh and be upset that they got called out or they will wake up and realize how bad of a poor job they are doing. What I am about to say isn't directed to anyone but all Staff. You need to wake up and look around. This server has over 1000 players a day. If there has no Staff Team handling reports, watching over players in game then Hackers will get away, scammers will get away with scamming, and much more. If anyone is at fault it would be you for not being more involved on a Server that you stated you would be active on, but sadly you can't keep those words you said. Hope you realize the mistakes everyone makes but good luck to all of you
I tagged them as I wanted them to notice it and realize they need to do something and be more productive like how @Pile_of_Butts was. Pile was one of the Best Moderators who worked her off. How many Moderators have I truly seen do as much work as she did? None. I tagged them for a reason but I will un-tag them just for you.
I do understand what you're saying. Pile was easily the best mod. I understand why you tagged them, but I also understand why Zambiana didn't want to tag anyone in the first place.
Doesn't phase me if you tagged them, I just wanted to see if they'd find this thread without being directed. :p Pile cannot be replaced, simple as that, too rare of a person, who actually did what she said she would.
I'm not attacking the Mods, I didn't name any so none would feel offended. ScoFu fought back and look where it got him? Looking rather silly. Kirby took the right route, looked at the thread, looked at himself and said he'd improve. Whether he will or not is up to him, but he did what I wanted Mods to do. Take it as constructive criticism and improve.
Bringing the staff team down will not help the situation. All I see is people pointing fingers. Let's keep this thread to constructive criticism. I guess it's about time I actually replied to the report itself. Since I joined the team two weeks ago, I have been absolutely honoured to help Mineverse. I try to be as active as I can. I handle my ban appeals, check on reports, etc. For the past week before the new mods were promoted, I was consistently handling reports. I know it looks like I haven't been doing reports lately. However, it's just that the other mods do all the reports before I can get home from school to handle them. I try to handle reports when I see them though. I still access the forums from school. In fact, I am at school right now, but I do not handle reports whilst at school because I cannot go on MC. I spend time ingame across all the servers, tp to people when they request me to check on hackers, moderate chat, answer questions. I dedicate a lot of time to this server. I try. I really do. I'm sorry if I've let any of you down.
The last two words ruined your post. I'm not sure why you'd even say that in the first place, if you worked in a store and said that to a customer you'd be fired instantly. At least maintain a level of respect.
*Cough* Taylor with her 1 report Im sure her online relationships are interfering with her job Lets just excuse her why not make her a super mod here to for being online "To be honest, all the Moderators have been doing a marvelous job." Uh no
Thier being the bigger person and dropping the situation like if nothing happened Thats maturity at its finest
@CypriotMerks Seeming that this report is based on all Moderators, only cyp can deal with this, and let me just say one thing, attacking all of the mods isn't really the best thing to do, this server would fall apart without any of them here.