Also, how can someone get to a island without getting close to it. Also, if you think he's hacking look on second picture he's floating! Also again, If you think he got to the island because of the guy building to the middle well there not team and also look at first picture. 739dead wasn't even close to that island that the Steve guy was building to middle and he didn't build to his island so he isn't teamed with him.
Definately a clear picture that shows hacking taking place. There is a change of elevation between the first and second picture, so glide was probably what he was using.
I also notice 739dead didn't use blocks to get on the top of the guy in the middle also if you don't see the guy in middle he's the one burning.
Sometimes it's really to hard to see that username but if you click the first picture the hacker username says "Dead" So it must be 739Dead and nobody else name ends with dead not even mines of course lol.
How is that hacking???? If you look to the right of the image there is a stone tower going up and he probably jumped off and when he was you took 2 pictures while he was in mid air?
That's definitely gliding. A fall like that would kill you. Plus he hovers in mid air for a second. It doesn't matter unless I can see a name.
@Dirty_Ninja I checked out the image. And if you zoom in close a bit, you can see his username, but ont much. You can see that it says "dead" at the end of the username. And if you look at the right (where it lists the usernames) you can see 739dead. You could handle this since you got on it first.
Okay if you guys can't see it click on the first picture then put your eyes super close to the name you can actually kinda see the word "Dead" and if you want to see the full name fine... have it your way but he's gonna glide in the server and it's not my fault.
Also everyone else is able to barley see the name so why don't you agree with me. Please I'm not trying to be a jerk and ban someone I know you need proof and proof is there. I'm just trying to get this guy to stop doing the glide hack because it's unfair to others.
I can't ban without evidence. This is evidence, but I cannot see a name without having to enhance it. And even when I do zoom in, it's still squiggly lines. This won't hold up in a ban appeal.
Locking and Archiving. If you have any other evidence on this player. Please post it, I am sorry, but I can't ban on this evidence.