The skyblock spawn has been completely griefed by a group of hackers. They are all in diamond enchated armor at spawn just flying around in creative. Dont have pics but you can see for your self on the server. Spawn has been devastated.
They think by going invisible will save them, yet it's fairly easy to find out who's got permissions and who doesn't.(Who's an OP and who's not.)
From what dragonrider5779 (one of the people in creative), some guy was on earlyer with op and made a bunch of players creative.
That's exactly what happened yesterday, there was lava placed at spawn and the /tpall command was used. Then people were put into creative.
I got someones name that's flying right now in diamond armour and a invisibility potion out, 'jacobcf123'
Two abusers I've found :p Bman0503 cooldudejoshua Edit: Update, there are now ghasts left right and center :rolleyes:
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