Your ingame name: Agilities The offender's ingame name: ZeldaTheoi A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Flying in infected Evidence/screenshots: Screenshots
Do you watch the video I linked you to in your other report? I can't do anything with the evidence you posted because it looks like render lag and mods can only ban with solid evidence.
Ok... From what I know, fly hacks are not possible on Infection. I could be wrong though... Do you have any video evidence of this?
No Pokemaniac i didnt record but i just took screenshots and ThePlCookie i dont have a texture pack :P
Poke, this does look like glide hacks... You can see in the first screenshot how his legs are all spread apart, characteristic of the way they move around during glide. Also there's a tall tree to his right, which looks like a plausible place to glide from...
I can see what you mean. However, render lag also shows the player's legs moving around. I don't think it's enough evidence for a ban. :/
Sadly the problem with only taking minimal screenshots with glide hackers is it usually doesn't show us enough evidence to warrant a ban unless you take multiple of them and they create a mini-slideshow. With the evidence provided there is not enough proof, I am sorry. I am not saying I don't believe you but we need absolute undeniable proof. Lack Of Evidence