Forums name: Xrosmage Offenders forums name: Gohan: bannaman1123 What he did: Rate abuse Evidence/screenshots: bananaman11223 rated Darkshadow5678's post Agree in the thread [AUS] smasher1245 [Mod App]. Theman Ive never seen you on skyblock for one and its NOT FAKE lol... How would that be fake if he is one more report away from being... Today at 1:57 PM bananaman11223 liked Darkshadow5678's status. Playing Mineverse! Today at 1:53 PM bananaman11223 liked Darkshadow5678's post in the thread [USA] Darkshadow5678's [Moderator Application]. Thank you <3 Today at 1:52 PM bananaman11223 rated Darkshadow5678's post Agree in the thread [USA] Darkshadow5678's [Moderator Application]. Im sorry for the inconvenience I was not trying to do that I was just list all the mods that inspired me. I will take it down If needed... Today at 1:52 PM bananaman11223 liked Darkshadow5678's post in the thread [USA] Darkshadow5678's [Moderator Application]. You to thank you! Today at 1:52 PM bananaman11223 liked Darkshadow5678's post in the thread [USA] Darkshadow5678's [Moderator Application]. Thank you! Nice tip :P Today at 1:51 PM bananaman11223 liked Darkshadow5678's post in the thread [USA] Darkshadow5678's [Moderator Application]. Thank you guys! Im working on becoming more active on the forums! Today at 1:51 PM bananaman11223 rated Darkshadow5678's post Creative in the thread [USA] Darkshadow5678's [Moderator Application]. Darkshadow5678's Moderator Application!... Today at 1:51 PM bananaman11223 liked Darkshadow5678's post in the thread [USA] Darkshadow5678's [Moderator Application]. Im there all the time you can find me on all game modes I just don't talk much :3 Today at 1:51 PM bananaman11223 liked Darkshadow5678's post in the thread [USA] Darkshadow5678's [Moderator Application]. Im working on it thank you! Today at 1:51 PM bananaman11223 liked Darkshadow5678's post in the thread [USA] Darkshadow5678's [Moderator Application]. Thank you! Today at 1:51 PM bananaman11223 liked Darkshadow5678's post in the thread [USA] Darkshadow5678's [Moderator Application]. Thank you too! Today at 1:51 PM
You OBVIOUSLY have a giant grudge on me if you report someone for liking post. This has nothing to do with you. Dakshadow5678 should be reporting me if he actually had the time. You are a HATER you have been out to get me for over a month and Im sick of it. That is old A-swell That was like 4 days ago. You are late bro. What took so long. Were you thinking "What can I post to get banana man banned"? And you found something that is kinda dumb and has nothing to do with you. I liked my brothers post to get him some positive ratings. I didn't know thats a crime. If It is Im sorry and I won't do it again. But really you have to have some balls to report some guy for like abusing when quote and quote "had nothing to do with you". Psychopath children like you like the feeling of getting people banned. People that hold grudges and idiots because people change over time. Holding a grudge won't take you anywhere kid. Just let that sink in. I know your young and don't fully understand what a grudge does but please don't hold pointless ones. This all started when I said no support to smashers thread and you, Thinking its cute, Started a flame war and got us banned. You would think you would learn your lesson but no the-man thinks its awesome to stalk banana man and see all the things he does wrong [Not that often but people do make mistakes] . Even the smallest things. Like giving your brother likes. This is ridiculous and funny at the same time. I know you hate me kid. That doesn't mean you have to make all the report you can find on me. People make mistakes and I don't think your brain comprehends that. You just click click click REPORT the player. Why not give them a warning or a heads up to a guy that doesn't know the rules. Lets not have a guy in the community thats to quick to judge, holds grudges, and likes to report people because he thinks it fun. AGAIN, I am sorry for what I have done. I didn't know giving people positive ratings isn't allowed. Sorry again. But really this was worthless. Go catch some hackers and cursers. Not some guy who is trying to get his brother some positive ratings. BEFORE you respond with utter BS let some of that sink and and get what I'm hinting at. I have no problem with you its just I keep being pecked at and reported by the same guy. This is not to start a flame war its just to share my opinion. And the facts to what has been going on lately. Mods that read this please understand I DIDNT know that rule and to give me a warning not a "forum ban" like they always do. People need to be understood and not banned that fast. Again thanks for reading and I hope you understand what Im hinting at. EDIT: You spelt my name wrong on the top. That shows how much effort you put into me getting "banned". EDIT: Who knew liking post was bad?
I actually didn't realize this until today. I didn't know this was bad lol. I agree with banana man. This just seems like a kid who is holding a grudge. No he shouldn't be forum banned for that. That is nothing. Like he said go catch hackers and cursers. I have nothing else to say on this thread but this is ridiculous. :/ Banana-man shouldn't get punished for a crime he didn't know about. Remember guys this is just a game and we need to chill out.
@Glaadiator Rate abuse against Him? Did you not see the report. I was LIKING darkshadow5678's post. Now this is a new rule called "Like farming" and Its not rate abusing. He has no screenshot for me doing to TO HIM. The only valid person that can report this is my brother darkshadow. This player is just reporting to get me banned. Am I right that is illegal? This user has a beef with me and its annoying. As you can see here he is false reporting me. Anyways this Obviously has nothing to do with him and I. Its with me and dark. I think we can all agree that he is a nosey person now but this problem is Alien to him. THEREFORE this report is INVALID!
Like farming isn't allowed either lmao, and any player is allowed to report someone who is breaking the rules
Wait are you reporting me or is theman? Im confused. And I never said like farming is ok silly. Just above that I said I didnt know the rule and wont do it again. Gotta read before you judge. And yes he can report someone but I stated it had nothing to do with him which is true and for him to stalk my page and find my mistake is nosey. I rest my case jarroy. Im not stupid. Jarroy I respect you and you are doing the right thing but I really had no Idea of that rule. You Have done this to ive heard and you know how it feels. (Rate abuse) You know what you did wrong and your upset that a punishment comes. I think people deserve a chance before a ban is given. We can all argee on that. Again Im sorry for breaking this rule and it simply wont happen again. EDIT: Just realized rules were posted after this was made. How fair.
Sorry I didn't see those rules. They need to make you read and agree to the rules before you join the forums so there isn't any misunderstanding like this. That would pretty helpful. Say? Edit: The official forum rules were made yesterday by pile those are obvious. Not like the other ones in a cluster. My case still stands jarroy.
Jarroy? Have you not seen what I've said. You seem to be foreign to whats happening. I Said SORRY and I know what I did wrong. No need for you to point out that I broke one of the rules. Thats just stupid. I know what I did wrong and It won't happen again. What do you not get about that kid? You seem confused hopefully this helps. Here is the thread. EDIT: We all make mistakes and break rules even you. You know what it feels like to be in my shoes. Don't you? EDIT: Theman is doing nothing you realize. He should be the one reporting and doing your job At This Moment. He may want to edit the tittle as well. My name is bananaman11223 not banaman1123. He could've done a bit of research before reporting me. And its not rate abusing. Its like farming. Wow this kid really has NO IDEA on whats happening. EDIT: Im a pretty passive guy but things like this make me upset. Let theman do the work he's the one who wants me "banned".
You have no say in this thread and shouldn't be posting here to begin with. You can be reported for that. But to counter argue your biased statements look below. Keep on topic but you my friend need to think. Don't be an ant and wonder hopelessly and stupidly. Your like theman always wanting to say some BS to me when It has NOTHING to do with you in the first place. DO NOT Respond or you'll be embarrassed and Start an unnecessary flame war. I still have no Idea what this means but its off topic and dumb! Number One: I don't know you Number Two: I play sky block Number 3: When Did I start hating "You seem to have a very large opinion here" Only time I recall talking to you is when I said you hacked. And What do you know "You did" Lol. Im not a stupid person. I can tell when people hack. You got banned and Yah my case still falls right on you. Number 4. What are some fights I've started that you seem to remember very well? And With others lol wtf are you talking about kid. Number 5: I haven't seen you in like 3 months Answer all these questions and I want VALID answers not some BS that comes to you naturally. Say something that actually happened. Don't go into 4 year old princess mode and make things up. Thanks.
You do start fights you started one with me in another thread you rate abused me in that thread and rated every single one of my posts dumb, the only reason why i cannot get evidence is because all my post were removed; also people change and you are trying to start a flame war with @Saumik_Anik right now And how does this make sense you first tell him not to respond then you tell him to respond and start a flame war you are just trying to hide the fact you want to get him banned kid get a life. Quote 1 "DO NOT Respond or you'll be embarrassed and Start an unnecessary flame war". Quote 2 "Answer all these questions and I want VALID answers not some BS that comes to you naturally. Say something that actually happened. Don't go into 4 year old princess mode and make things up. "
You Truly are stupid. Let Me get something completely Clear with you. 1. I am Not a kid Lol I wish I was [Pretty weird calling me a kid when you are one don't you think ROFL] 2. Finally you are doing your own work! Yay Now I get to read and embarrass you! 3. Was It necessary to post that? You've proved NOTHING to me in those couple of bs lines. 4. Your fantasizing the problem once again. You were defending your griefing friend smasher thinking its cute. Well that nice and All but Mineverse doesn't deserve a scum bag like him. Thats what I recall happening. No wonder your post were all deleted because you said nothing but Bull crap. I rated your post dumb because the truly were. Lol 5. Your Brian is mixed up once again! God damn kid! Saumik was trying to start a flame war. Why did he need to post that? You tell me why genius. Saumik was being smart and not wanting to be punished because if he did respond he would have a bad fait. Saumik may be a hacker but he has a functioning brain. No he didn't need to respond. Unlike you when you always have to get your nose into someone else's fight or discussion. 6. These threads don't have to turn into flame wars. Im simply stating FACT, OPINION, And QUESTIONS. When randoms come in and make biased statements that when I get upset I reply. Im not going to sit here while I get pounded by stupid and unnecessary things. 7. YOU don't have evidence and you even made a false thread. I was like farming. [Which idk why it is because its my brother and it isn't benefiting me]. My name is bananaman11223 stupid. Not bananaman1123. When I was 13 I was not nearly as dumb as you. Diving into a report with invalid evidence, False Titels, And Stupid Contra battles. Lets get back into the real world here. I was reported for like farming. Ya ok [No evidence by you]. You did nothing to help that but had to reply to this. This is getting ridiculous. This thread is now extremely of topic due to you and some randoms. I would like to get it back and dealt with. I have said sorry and It won't ever happen again. Is that not valid enough? Like I've said, people make mistakes and I ask for forgiveness. I am sorry for my actions and again "won't happen again". This is all I really need to say. Theman I got my point across. There is really nothing else to do here but to wait and see what the mods have to say. Please don't respond I don't feel like taking this any FARTHER. Its gotten to the limit. Don't say I started a flame war above. I dint. I put down your bs statements with a couple phrases and sentences. NO need to respond once again. To make this clear. I am sorry for my actions and It won't happen again! Thx-Banana
Yes I understand what the outcome may be but I still want to point out I'm sorry and it won't happen again. You know. Just for future reference. Consequences must take place. I understand that much so. I just want forgiveness for my actions. I know they were dumb.
@jarroyonaples i think him cussing this much deserves another infraction here i will quote all he has said. "Bullshit,Bull crap,Biased, You called me a physco path, Told me my brain was mixed up,Stupid,Idiot" And remember the fact u said all of this in the above several times. I am not the one swearing this much i think your the kid here.