I will take your suggestion into consideration. I don't appreciate the false assumptions, nor these accusations.
I am going to be forced to delete the posts of your statements with no actual evidence... If you have no proof to provide then you can not post it.
Fair fight? 4v1 apperently means fair fight i suppose. Also, at 45 seconds in, disrespect of moderator?
There's no disrespect here. I'm trying to explain our ideas and instead all the mods are turning it down with no consideration.
Apparently you didn't listen to the complete video. Also, how can you state that we do not consider your suggestions? We are forced to consider everyone's opinion, I also understand your point of view. I did not use /god in a way of abuse. I do not care if I die, as the Titan account gives me P3...
It is too foul to post it here.. Listen to it yourself. It was you speaking about MrBeefCak3. That is all I will say about it. As for this report I will be locking it to prevent escalation.
I don't see any reason for this thread to cause an uproar. He was clearly not trying to kill you using his perms. In fact all I see is him running away and trying to avoid the 7v1 chasing him. You disrespected Grayson in that video of yours. Let's hope you never do that again... /god is a mod perm to be used to moderate in PvP servers safely. He is well aware of why it is in place and if I see a trend of mods abusing it that perm will be taken away. I am closing this thread. If there is anything more that needs to be done or if he feels that I closed the thread prematurely CypriotMerks can reopen it.
A few notes here. First of all, the object of the reports here and not in some e-mail fashion is so that a moderator's peers can judge them. A few of us may be biased due to friendship, but in large we will all come to the right conclusion about someone. Beef was acting properly in accordance to our perms as he didn't seem to have any attacks made. Regardless of your claims we CANNOT punish someone for actions that are not proven, so the action he "allegedly" took before you recorded are not admissible. Pile, you acted correctly in this report, as you are fully aware of. But other should know you have done everything right here. Grayson, you appear to be doing just fine, don't let other player's accusations get you down. The only thing I'd suggest in the future is to try and be less involved in reports against you. Just state your side/proof and leave it to the others. ~_^ This is good, you've done well. Vindictive players who are upset because Cyp didn't handle this, we are here because he is busy. It's hard to get him to handle day to day doings, he has more important things to get done. This is why he entrusted us and why he selected moderators from their apps or asked others, such as myself, to moderate directly.