I Was Playing Infection Today And At 7:20 Infection Went Down So I Played A Bit Of Skyblock Warriors, I Have Been Playing Infection Alot And i Got To Lvl 103 I will Get Some People To Prove This But When i Rejoined When It Was Working Again i have 0 Lvls Please Help Me I Spent So Long Playing
There were alot of reports on this Unfortunetly moderators cannot do anything. Only Admins can. So Please post your screenshot.
Troy, Wafflez was a pretty high lvl like many others he lost his lvl can u just get him the lvl he was before :D
OK we need some proof of the levels before anything happens. If you have any proof that you were that level, please post it here. If no proof is provided within, 5 days, this thread will be closed.
Sorry but the report is closed due to No Evidence. If you do gain evidence fill free to make another report. Next time remember to take screenshots as the server could do this again Moving to Archives.