Well hello whoever's reading this. Today, I saw a lag machine, and I saw people admit building it, I asked them why, and they said they were bored. Not sure if lag machines are allowed or not, but I'm putting this here anyways: Your IGN: BobSheepert Accused Person's IGN: WOLFNECKLACE, theproman100, and The_dark_wolf26 What they broke and how: Well, this is actually not in the rules, but I believe it should. Creating a lag machine causes SEVERE lag on the server, causing people to quit and start hating on it. It also ruins the fun for everyone, which really isn't good. And guess what. EVERYONE was complaining about lag before they turned off the machine... Evidence: http://prntscr.com/43umjd and http://prntscr.com/43undj I hope justice is found in this, and thank you to whoever read this.
No offence, I wouldn't call this a lag machine. A lag machine is a bunch of different blocks covering an entire plot at least 10 blocks high.
Lemme explain. This was set up to a redstone clock, and all these dispensers were filled up with fireworks. And my guess is that they were those super crazy fireworks that people use all the time. Anyways, they filled up the dispensers, and started the clock. Once they started the clock, fireworks started shooting out like crazy. Now, some of this was handled, since the maximum amount of particles on your screen is 4,000. Look, with all these particles rapidly going up and down, and all the sounds of, "BOOM" and, "PHEW" really cause server lag. Just a redstone clock itself causes lag. See what I mean?
I know what I lag machine is. My friend did one on my other friends plot. And I saw it. Look up the report. (minecraftchic333 creating lag machine) then you'll see what it really looks like.
It just looks like a harmless firework dispenser to me. There needs to be actual proof that this was causing lag. Those players could just be making things up. Closing due to lack of evidence,