So I am a regular player on infection (almarobb123), and I was playing a game of it, when I did /lobby. After I came back, I found that I had no levels on my xp bar and had the Rct rank. I relogged and suicided several times but it still isn't working. I was a prestige 4 MgySgt on level 100, so adding up, I was level 580 in total. I don't have any screenshots but I am sure that there are several people who can vouch that I was up to that lvl. It would be great if I could get my levels back or at least you guys fix this glitch so that no more people have to experience this, it was really shocking and not at all a Christmas surprise that I wanted. For now I am quitting Infection temporarily, I hope you guys can fix this glitch or at least give everyone who has had this happen to them their levels back. :/ Because I know of quite a few people, all high ranking, who have had this happen to them as well and it's really upsetting because we worked to get to these levels and suddenly they're all taken away from you. But this will only continue happening if you don't fix this. Thank you if you are working to fix this problem, would be great to get my levels back, I'm sure this goes for everyone else who has lost their levels too.
i dont think u will be able to get your levels back only Noobcrew and Cypriot have the power to handle this other mods cant and their very busy with their other servers so its up to them but i do hope u get your levels back
Ok this is ridiculous. I still vote for levels every day, and I had managed to get myself back up to prestige 1 MgySgt, level 104. And I logged on today and I was reset yet again! Oh my gawd I'm lost for words. You guys really need to fix this :( It's pretty upsetting.
Thanks for backing it up kirby could a mod or admin please look into the issue? There are lots of these posts around the help board now, but I have yet to see one of these issues resolved.
OK we need some proof of the levels before anything happens. If you have any proof that you were that level, please post it here. If no proof is provided within, 5 days, this thread will be closed.
I did not take any screenshots :/ I never actually thought of doing so as I had no idea that I would ever be in this position. That is honestly, honestly one of my biggest regrets now. Does that erase all my credibility? I am sure that there are many people who can testify and prove that I was a prestige 4 who got reset at the very least. Like Kirby above. Should I get more to post here? If that counts as proof. A lot of people know that I got reset.
Sorry but the report is closed due to No Evidence. If you do gain evidence fill free to make another report. Next time remember to take screenshots as the server could do this again Moving to Archives.