Well hello. This is a report about someone who was spamming the chat, telling people to tpa to someone. I don't think they should be banned, but just warned/15 minute muted, since they didn't do it that much. Here we go! Your IGN: BobSheepert Offender's IGN: Bjra2004 What rule they broke and how: Well. They broke the rule of not spamming. Spamming is not allowed on the server, as far as I know, and this guy was filling up the chat with it. Even though he was a god rank. Evidence: http://prntscr.com/43v7xa He didn't really spam too much, so I only think he should be quickly warned. Thank you for whoever read/is reading this, and have a nice day
Not really. Some people are patient, some are not. Also, gods can spam as much as they want, they never get the warnings that tell you not to spam
That's crazy. How come if we try writing 2 messages next to each other with a 1 second gap, we're warned, but you God ranks can spam chat.
You were spamming and advertisement... I don't understand your logic in this.... Thank you for your report. The reported player has been warned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Archives.