Your ingame name: liamft123 The offender's ingame name: powerben1963 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: disrespect Evidence/screenshots. I asked him if he wanted to 1v1 me...
every time time you log on you spam me asking for 1v1 then when i fight you you spam in chat ezz and run off…. and this happens every time you log on and see me….. and when you get close to dieing you log out by typing butter it gets annoying
this is literally the first time I asked for a 1v1 powerben usually you go hey liam you are bad and I am like oh really then you are like ya 1v1 me then you die... and you say I budder when I fight you? I have NEVER buttered when fighting YOU...
this is disrespectful though and that is the reason I think you shold get banned because you are very disrespectfull to a lot of players...
[Sorry for posting here] ... Next time Liam, post the whole screenshot. Don't crop anything off. Just in case the mods think you're lying.
you just hate me and want me banned lol it shows you think i should get banned why not warning you just want a strait ban just because of the times iv killed you and can't take a lose and try anything to get me banned if you stopped talking to me and spamming me none of this would happen
no no no non no you do this every time you log on and spam me for 1v1 then because i said that back you post a screenshot and when i said /me it was supposed to be /r all you do is run i tell you this every time and you just don't leave me alone
I NEVER msg you EVER this was the FIRST time I have asked you something cuz I saw you were online... and I wanted to 1v1 someone so I just msged you and you write this... don't make stuff up powerben... just accept it...
Accept what someone that hates me wants to get me banned and is trying anything you don't think spamming me for 1v1 and when I do 1v1 me you run and log your not gona get anything back.....
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