1. Mind_trap 2. Freezingplasma85 3. Flyhack, Disrespect The user glitched out of my store and flew all the way up (100+) blocks to my island since this is the only way to go up there, traded with my villagers, and all this despite my plea for privacy. If someone is on my island without my permission he doesn't respect my privacy, he breaks the 1st rule of the server and I expect him to be banned whoever it is and regardless of his rank. 4.
I have him in the screenshot flying 3 times higher than the fence on my island which is out of limits, closed for the public, and unreachable without flying, you have to fly to get on my island, if someone is on my island, 1 he disrespects me and violates the 1st rule of the server and 2 he flew there, let me repeat, there is NO other way to get on my island, feel free to take a look yourself at my map and realize that what I say is a fact, not an opinion to be debated. I teleport between my home and shop. The surrounding islands are either destroyed, unused or banned. All the people who get on my island without my permission, disrespect me and will be reported. The screenshot shows both that the he is flying and that he is on my island, you don't need anything more. The rules of the server either apply for everyone or for none. Can you apply them? I can't stay guard 24/7 by the iron farm to get you a better screenshot and I won't, because that's not why I am playing the game. The player was invading my personal space with total disrespect to my privacy and he used flyhack to get there since he is not a donator and since there is NO OTHER way to get on my island.
Gladiator I am not that naive, I checked his status before reporting him, he doesn't have any rank, and if he had a rank he still disrespects me by violating my personal space. In the last screenshot you can see my shop at the bottom of the map, to get on my island, someone has to fly. I don't want people on my island, bridging is not allowed on my island, and so does flying, regardless if they have ranks or not, because every time someone is up here I end up repairing stuff and without the option to report them because in the report they are going to ask me for the smoking gun. Now all I can do is pretending to be a scarecrow by standing next to my iron farm. I don't want to waste my time on this server like this and I have better things to do other than reporting people, if I tell you that someone is misbehaving you can be sure that he/she is.
The few screenshots few little proof of him flying, and no evidence of disrespect is provided. First question, how did he gain access to your island? Do you, or him, have a warp on the island? If he comes back, it'd be good to take more screenshots. If you have a warp, I suggest deleting it and creating another and making another one that is private to only you. What does the screenshot with the chest show?
Why are you trying so hard to defend him? Why are my reports taking so long to be processed? He is flying above the fence and there is no warp to my island, I can set only one warp and it is at my store. When I say there is no way to get on my island, I mean THERE IS NO WAY TO GET ON MY ISLAND. The proof of his disrespect is his very presence on my island, the people who invade my island don't respect me and my privacy, I don't care if you have a different definition of respect, I don't want to see people up here. There is no way to get on my island other than flying and bridging is not allowed from the other islands. In case the connecting of the two dots is too hard for you, can you leave it to another moderator because I get a feeling that you and I are not going to like each other much? The rules apply for everyone, if you believe that I am going to donate to the server before I demand for my reports to be taken seriously, you are wrong.
Just saying, Glaad is right more evidence is needed. Don't say she is defending him, we are just asking for more proof >.> I was looking at this report and didn't know if he hacked or not. Bottom line is get better evidence on reports like this Hidden Content: You must reply before you can see the hidden data contained here.
Firo I don't need better evidence for disrespect or for flying in my case. On my island I want my privacy, this isn't negotiable. The people who are on my island without my invitation are breaking the first rule and don't respect me and my privacy. Do you have any other explanation of how this user appeared on my island? I have no warp on the island, no exit on my store, the surrounding islands are either destroyed banned or unused, and my store is over 100 blocks below my island. Lets see for how long we will be dancing around the obvious.
I am not defending him, nor am I taking this report as a joke. I am not trying to cause an argument, or create a dispute between us, anything along those lines. Does he come to your island often, or has he been there since this report was made? I am trying to handle this as much as I can, however if ANY of you want to take this over, feel free to. He has valid points of the report, however the evidence is not that much and saying so would cause an argument, which is the last thing I want to hear right now.
Don't be sorry, you can whenever you want. The problem is, it's blocked by the sugarcane, so I don't really know if it's jumping/falling, so it can't determine anything. Worse comes to worst, I'll have another mod deal with this.
I am glad to hear that because I was getting the feeling that I have to donate before I am taken seriously. No he hasn't been on the island since then, I think, I can't be sure. He doesn't need to come back anyway, he should be here in first place. You don't need to rape two times in order to be a rapist, one is enough. I still haven't heard suggestions of how he came on my island. Please feel free, try to find an explanation, maybe you are smarter than me and notice a backdoor to my island that I didn't.
Before taking any further action on this report, can you please give me the warp to your island, if you are online?
There is no warp to my island, the warp to my shop is /warp $tore . I was just griefed, someone killed half of my villagers
Hidden Content: You must reply before you can see the hidden data contained here. Glaad and I are currently discussing this, you mentioned in the report he flew up 100 blocks? Should of taken proof of that. Sorry for waiting we are currently trying to figure this report out
I still haven't heard suggestions of how else is possible for him to come to my island if he didn't flew. Can I hear some suggestions? I am online now, can you inspect my island for any backdoors? I believe that just by seeing my island you will realize that I have better things to do, other than chasing people, the amount of effort is obvious and if I am complaining is because I don't want to see it going to waste.
Those are the hit boxes F3+B, I was hoping that I could detect the invisible players this way, but it doesn't work
Ok, just saying, glaad and me are unsure about this report, we are currently discussing this report with other mods. Please be patient as this is getting discussed over