I got scammed by a Titan, powercaleb. We had a fair deal that if I gave him 2k he would give me 400k back. I know that's a bad deal, But he promised on his heart and he then he scammed me. My balance is now only at $7 b/c he scammed me. He never paid me. I want my money back!!!
Eh you really shouldn't trust powercaleb he is one of Mineverses scammers. Hes banned on factions for scamming and I think skyblock too. I don't think you will get your money back though :(
That's the only screen shots I have, I just want my money back, u can see how I paid him and you can also see how much money I had left and that he never paid me. Look at the attached files
I cannot get on at the moment if you would like to pm me I can be able to contact you through Skype when I can get on
Ouch man, that really is a bummer. This is a serious question: you didn't think anything was suspicious when he asked for 'good faith' money in exchange for a large amount? That's how the IRL estranged Nigerian Prince uncle scam works, you give them money to "establish legitimacy for your bank account" and then you "inherit his estate." And then they cut and run and your good faith money vanishes too. Also, if you've played Runescape before, this happens (at least like 6 years ago) all the time. Even if you don't get refunded, look at the positive: this is a learning experience, be more careful! Trust your gut! If it's too good to be true, it is.