1: HEAL_Pony 2: dreamycutiepie's Wolf Spawner 3: Her wolf spawner is spawning pigs for some weird reason. Please Help! (PS: This Is In Survival) 4:
HEAL_Pony i know the problem Every spawner is named 'Monster Spawner' (if im correct,) and always spawns pigs. Im not sure if this is 100% true, but hey, Problem Solved.
The Spawner She Placed is still not spawning wolves, ik you guys solved the problem, but cant a mod just help her get a new one or something? I don't want her feeling sad about spending 50,000 on a pig spawner.
MPG, Once the issue is fixed, Will the placed cow spawners, wolf spawners etc. Be turned to thier specified mob Automatically
All spawners are defaulted to a "Pig" spawner. @CypriotMerks is aware of the issue. I'm sure it will be resolved shortly. Closing.