Recently I was sent a message from "Grayson" Saying this and I was banned for a day from the forums for this... Hello KeeChainZ, Your content in broke one of our rules located here . The posted content may have been removed. Please familiarize yourself with our rules if you wish to prevent any further disciplinary action. Thank you, The Staff. I checked the rules. And as far as I know.. there is completely nothing wrong about saying "I like turtles" It was an abuse of his permissions. If that copy and paste is not enough evidence I can post a picture. Thanks ~KeeChainZ
You were most likely posting in a report or an appeal. That message is what happens when he physically goes to your profile and warns you.
Most likely what happened is one of the following 1. You rate abused and he just needed a post to warn off of, so he chose this post to ban with. 2. You broke some rule that spread over multiple posts, and he just needed to find a post to ban off of. Keep in mind, you had a Tier 1 infraction, which and quote is deserving of: "Issue this warning if the user committed an offense pertaining to the rules regarding the minor warnings. 4 warning points will be applied and the user will be banned for 1 day." I am sure beefy can clear this up, but I know him, and he wouldn't be the guy to abuse powers.
I stated this wrong. Okay, here is the real story. He was reported for rate abuse. So, when I saw the report, I clicked on his profile, then clicked "Warn", I didn't change the infraction reason, as I didn't think he would see it, or I wasn't thinking. I didn't read the reason, and I banned him. The infraction says I banned him for something on his profile, but that is not what happened. I banned him temporarily for the excessive rate abuse. I'm not going to comment after this, up to you guys what happens.
Yeah that's no big deal, you didn't abuse, you gave him a punishment for rate abuse, the warn auto selected his status, so what, you forgot to change the message to him. Your good in my eyes man.