So toepepper and his castle, eh? Well he said he'd add me to it if i bought him VIP. I have waited 2 weeks seen him on 4 times, not added he claims he will. Then I see him on today. sienathebanana has claimed the castle. I ask him who is he, "Idk" then he logs off please ban him I know I dont have proof but can Cyproit/Noobcrew check the logs and see the email who paid the purchase I know the email. but wont say it on the forums I will tell in private message for proof. ~black
Hey blackstar506. I just found out from my sister that she sold you a castle for VIP and 20k. My sister apparently got onto my account somehow and sold you that castle. I was actually planning on selling that to sienathebanana. She pays good money. I am sorry for the inconvenience. I don't know how to pay you back.ill give you money or I will help you build a castle when you get on. I am very sorry and will make sure my sister is punished. I am very sorry sir.
How do u even know that "she" sold it for 20k? I doubt ur sister did it ;/ And u claim to not know who sienthebanana is earlier today then logged off...
I left my PC on to go walk the dog and do some chores bro. I left it on to get some more claim blocks. I can't control my sister. Anyways, I said I will give you some in game cash or I will help you build a castle. I said that I would punish my sister. This isn't the first time my sister went on my account.