Hello Mineverse. I have returned from my false ban from the staff. While I was out from my account, I have manage to approximately gotten 20 reports of rule breakers. Now, before I said, "false ban" you shall not ban me from just saying that simple term. But that is not the case. I hope you enjoy the loads of reports that I have gotten. But due to the restriction of only 10 files can be added, I will have to make 2 split parts of this. IGN: EpicAgentJ List of Offenders and description of rule broken: PurifiedPVP: Language Enderkiller77: Language andreatemple13: Advertising EmqerorSavage: Sexual References/Language floperator: Spam YouHitRockBottom: Harassement/Language LegoKingBig: Racism
Oh...thanks for telling me. I would say to you that you can lock this thread for other users, but not me then. Cased closed...for now.
Thread locked on request. If you disagree to this action, please report this post, and a moderator or administrator will reconsider it. Kind regards, The Staff