Your ingame name: LilCris11 Moderator name: McMuffin A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: InCorrect ban and will not listen to what i have to say for nothing Evidence. PS: If you guys just add a sign then this wouldnt be happening Edit: This is to prove i am banned And here are the multiple ban appeals where I tried to explain:
You're not understanding Cris. You are allowed to kill guards. Tp trapping and killing is against the rules. You asked Muffin to /tp for a "hacker". He teleported to you to help you and you trapped and killed him. That's a ban. There is nothing to discuss.
Theres is not a single rule saying I cnt do that I understand now so i shouldn't have gotten banned because you guys for got to post a rule
I will not do it agian this was my first affence i shouldnt be perma banned because i didnt know Nuclear has never been banned before and alo didnt know but he also got perma banned we didnt know and we are sorry we wont do it agian ever on any server I have never seen a rule about tp killing
Rules: In Game Rules: Globally (All Servers): Respect the staff. What they say goes. (If you think something is abuse, you can report them here) Do not ask staff for items or ranks Hacked clients are mostly disallowed. Some exceptions can be found Do not advertise (Signs, Chat, Private Messages, etc). The only time this is allowed is if you ask a player for an IP, they are allowed to give it to you and only you. Do not spam the chat Do not use foul language. Bypassing the filter and racism count as foul language Keep the chat appropriate Scamming is not allowed <-----------RIGHT HERE CRIS Respect all players and staff members and treat them equally Use common sense
Scam [noun] 1. a confidence game or other fraudulent scheme, especially for making a quick profit; swindle. verb (used with object), scammed, scam·ming. 2. to cheat or defraud with a scam.
This is stupid and you should feel bad. Tp trapping has and always will be illegal. You decided to tp kill a moderator and expected to get away with it? When reporting a staff you need solid evidence, which you have here. Unfortunately for you, the evidence proves nothing besides the fact that your ban was legitimate.
There is not a sigle rule as i have said before stating that i cant tp kill that is what the vidos are for
Please refer to Pile's post on the definition of scamming, and her post on the rules. Also, please refer to the rule in /rules that clearly states "Use common sense"
I did and i didnt scam i tricked her/him where is the rule on tricking people trick trik/ verb 1. deceive or outwit (someone) by being cunning or skillful. "buyers can be tricked by savvy sellers"
Chris, the thing you are missing is that your action against the guard and against other players is considered scamming. It's not our fault you didn't pay enough attention to understand the definition of a word. Your action IS against all stated rules for the entire server, regardless of gamemode. You all think the rules must be posted in the game, we have forums for a reason, and we advertize them.
I did not scam her/him I tricked them by tp and killing them this is not scam this is a little deciaving of there mind wich i didnt know was illegal but now i do and like i have said before i wont do it agian I UNDERSTAND NOW and in my head then i wasnt doing anything wrong
I'd like to point out a continued severance of our rules. Several appeals were made in rapid succession, and you lied in your first appeal according to your own evidence and your second appeal. That doesn't make us desire to losen our chains and unban you. Now you are wrongfully reporting staff, which I see your side as someone who didn't 100% realize and I also see the rules that a bad report against staff is punishable. This is not your ban appeal. We've proven this is a bad report. I am locking and archiving this thread as it's existance is entirely useless now.
Like i just said i understand now that what i did was illegal but you want me to go to everyone one of your rulez and google search and define them i didnt knw this was wrong this would be diferent if I had been banned or warned about something like this before but no I was banned