WAFFLEZ & LAPIS_(something ) STOLE EVERYTHING and burned everything and wafflezzzzzzz was my friend for 6 months and now he betrays me there are SCREENSHOTS too.
How can you prove it was them who did it? You can't say, because there wasn't any concrete proof that they did that.
i have proof of wafflezzzzzzzz raiding -_- He tried telling me that his friend /tpa to him nd did it but that doesnt explain y he stayed nd used a minecart nd hopper all all the chests he could
WAfflez first u were with lapis every time i tell u get lapis out u say i tried bu u lied and did not tell her to stop and then she took all my precious things and went away WITH You
Nite in your pic is shows you have hacks and there is no proof of me grief in the chests it just shows me there we'll done you have just displayed yourself hacking
WOW DEM CLIENT HACKS DOUGH xray ban ETC lol Rate it funny if you want well ofcourse I am funny (Not funny looking) -_-
niteshead it's a game and i don't think that you need to speak :o you hack lol :p see your screenshots
ik wats in my screenies. i also know that i took parts out of that client for use as a moderator on another server, unfortunately i cant edit that screen right there for some reason but those hacks r not present. they r missing code, the whole thing, interface for use in-game, etc. I wouldnt post those screenies in those pics if that client was an actual full client. I have a server i moderate on that i use freecam, nametags, full bright, wire frame, and No Fall (which doesnt work on this server anyways). No fall bc the spawn is a drop spawn with water at the bottom and sometimes i need to move away from the water to see the hackers b4 they log, full bright is obvious wat its used for, nametags r so i can determine who doing the hacking bc its a pvp server full of good pvpers so they like to jump around alot, and freecam so i can go down nd see the hackers wen someone is online that is out to get me again. The other hacks dont actually work they're just listed there bc the code is very confusing for me and since those r the defaults ones up there, I would have to edit the defaults somehow. << still working on that
only the hacks that actually mean anything are broken so im still not hacking just using mods that you cant get any other way.
i still have proof of u raiding the chat in the second one is me telling u to leave if u look in the bottom right corner of the other theres a spot under the chest for ur little hopper minecart trick. stop trying to get around this dude uve been caught redhanded and u know u did it. stop trying to lie
do i need to take pics of all the chests on the island? each nd every one of them have a spot under them so u could use the hopper minecart on them. its_time_for_bed can tell u that i didnt set that part up to. he saw them after it all happened.