My Forum Account - Em Offenders Forum Account - Stacker7 Link - Stacker7 went and attacked Apocalypses application because he said neutral on Staker7's application and gave his reason why. Stacker7 is causing drama and issues on here and going out and harassing & attacking Apocalypses application and rudely messaging him. Evidence - Evidence - Evidence - Evidence - Link -
Unless appocalypse reports this I cannot really accept this report, if he doesnt think it is an attack then I will not punish for it, if he thought it was an attack I would consider punishment. Honestly Appocalypse is going the right way about it by staying level headed however without him saying this feels like an attack I will not punish for it sorry.
Thank you he gave me this information to report but I will notify him that he needs to report it not me. Thank you for telling me.
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