My ingame name is: NoNeed2BeKnown The rule violator's name is: Lyons513 While playing on /bw5 I was on red team and while spawn killing green since they're bed is unbreakable Lyons513 blew up my teammate random_unic0rn then proceeded to killing me. At first he kept on failing since I was able to avoid the tnt, but soon after he decided to make a tnt cannon as he stated in chat to kill me. Here is some screenshots of him in chat actually saying (player) was blown up by Lyons513:
I will give you 24hrs to upload the evidence. You can try using imgur to upload, then paste the link here.
You might as well close the report because I didn't Rex or screen myself getting blown up. Thanks for the advice about imgur tho
Thank you for the report. Unfortunately the evidence provided is insufficient. Should you gain more evidence in the future, do not hesitate to report this player(s) again. Kind regards, The Staff