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  • [Warned]smasher1245 - Disrespect, griefing, harassment, stalking, stealing and island trespassing.

    Discussion in 'Reports' started by mind_trap, Jul 20, 2014.

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    1. mind_trap

      mind_trap Experienced Member

      Jul 1, 2014
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      3. griefing
      The user glitched out of my store invaded my private island and killed my cows. He did it in the past and he did it again today while I was trying to connect to the server. He was the only player with the ability to fly at the time of the incident and the only one with motivation to do it. My island is not accessible to those who cant fly, you have to be able to fly to get from my shop to my island and you have to jump through the walls cause I dont provide exit in my shop and the walls are 3 layers thick to prevent the pets from coming out.
      My shop is a public place but my island is private, that's why my shop has no exit and it is over 100 blocks lower than my island and that's why those who are on my island without my invitation are trespassing it.
      My cows were griefed again as I had predicted in my last report about him, I cant and I wont stay 24/7 guarding the cows and this coward is not going to show up while Im around. Are you going to do anything about it?

      There used to be 15 cows there, he came back and killed everything that was alive on my island including sheep and a horse. In total this sad pathetic human being has killed over 70 of my cows and you are doing nothing about it. Does the server has rules or not? Who is going to pay for my damages and for the time I waste because you allow proven griefers on the server? I do understand that he is still on the server because he has friends some mods, but while Im around the griefers will be reported until a mature mod with decency and honor reads them and decides to do something about them. This player was causing me trouble with his behavior while he was on the server, he tried to cause me trouble even when he was banned from the server (with his ban appeal) and now he is causing me trouble again. Are you going to do something about this spiteful sad individual? I dont and no one deserves such behavior.

      P.S Spare me the bull about the smoking gun evidence that you want, when I provided you the smoking gun evidence you had him banned for less than a day and you accepted his appeal despite the fact that he was obviously lying without giving any true explanations for his actions. I was able to get that evidence because I was at the right place at the right moment, I can't do that again because now this coward when he sees me he runs, he doesn't have the guts to come again on my island while Im around. I was disconnected for less than 5 minutes from the server and during my absence he invaded. When I connected back on the server I saw him near the cow pen but it was too late, he saw me too and like a coward he flew off the island, allowed himself to fall down because it is quicker and teleported away before I get a good picture of him. This is exactly what he did all the 3 times that he has invaded on my island. Can I spend more time in building things on my island and being helpful to those around me and less in chasing proven griefers?
      It is up to you to make the server a better place for everyone on it, help me to help you. This is the only server in all the internet that I really liked and felt that is worthy of my donation, help me to restore the gameplay experience that made me stay here for so long and ban the disrespectful griefer, I have done nothing to deserve him, today it is me his target, tomorrow it will be someone else as it is proven again and again, it is only a matter of time. Thank you

      UPDATE: Since the time of the report the griefer found that I have villagers and chickens and now he is a threat to them too. I got him again trespassing on my island outside of my shop in the pyramid and where my chickens are. He also griefed my cactus farm which is in the same area he was. This farm was working since the day I built it and while he was in the area my farm was griefed. I dont need a screenshot of him griefing it because for me 1+1=2. He also invaded on my island in the area where my villagers are.
      The user constantly logs on and off stalking to see if I am around trying to get a reaction from me that he will be able to screenshot. Also he glitched into my mob farm to steal the loot, he died because I have fire in there to kill the spiders, and then he started threatening me to give him his items back. Of course I threw everything of his in the void. This person was stealing from me and then he was threatening me! Why you allow this kind of persons on the server? He is a liar, a griefer, a thief, a cyber bully and an annoyance to everyone who is not a scammer/ griefer!

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      Last edited: Jul 22, 2014
    2. Post Malone

      Post Malone Experienced Member

      Jan 26, 2014
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      Are you kidding? this is screenshots from the old report i got banned from last time. Stop trying to ban me from hating me and try to report people who are actullay breaking the rules...
    3. Post Malone

      Post Malone Experienced Member

      Jan 26, 2014
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      You cant just judge me like that.. you dont even know me
    4. Post Malone

      Post Malone Experienced Member

      Jan 26, 2014
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      you should be banned for trying to kill me with lava, @mind_trap

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    5. Post Malone

      Post Malone Experienced Member

      Jan 26, 2014
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      Thats my point though, those screenshots of me doing that is old, i stopped doing this! and now his trying to get me banned again.
    6. Post Malone

      Post Malone Experienced Member

      Jan 26, 2014
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      and Also @Archangel175 this report has nothing to do with you it doesnt matter who you agree with its not going to make a difference so please stop commenting..
    7. Post Malone

      Post Malone Experienced Member

      Jan 26, 2014
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      His Cactus goes missing its my fault everything is my fault according to mind_trap his trying to get me banned because he hates me!!!
    8. mind_trap

      mind_trap Experienced Member

      Jul 1, 2014
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      The user continues to threat me, while you are allowing him to do so. Why you allow this psychopath to be around 5 year old kids? Is his donation that important to you? Are you hoping for him to stay on the server so he can become Titan one day? What about the donations of those who will leave the server because of him and of people like him? According to Hare Psychopathy Checklist this guy is dangerous for every kind of society, real or virtual.

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      Last edited: Jul 22, 2014
    9. Post Malone

      Post Malone Experienced Member

      Jan 26, 2014
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      What and you never Threaten me? i was legit gonna say after that, maths is the way to go..

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    10. mind_trap

      mind_trap Experienced Member

      Jul 1, 2014
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      The chickens were also griefed today while he was around. In the screenshot is the empty cage that smasher is describing in one of the main screenshots.

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    11. mind_trap

      mind_trap Experienced Member

      Jul 1, 2014
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      And parts of my wheat farm were griefed while he was around. Since the ceiling in the farm is low to prevent people from jumping and destroying the crops, this was done either through glitching with /jump or with the /kittycannon.

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      Last edited: Jul 22, 2014
    12. Post Malone

      Post Malone Experienced Member

      Jan 26, 2014
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      Wow are you actullay doing this yourself, and taking screenshots saying it was me?
    13. Spice

      Spice Boss Member

      Nov 27, 2013
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      Those are screenshots from 7/22. Not that old.

      Warned. Any more reports of this player will result in a ban.
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