account name: Ponyknight99 Offender: Silentò Offense: rate abuse Evidence: Now... If I'm right. This counts because of Krissy's revised description of rate abuse, which was approved by the head mod, @fryzigg
Why would you do the same thing again when you got yourself denied the first time and even got banned for too many false reports. Do you have a brain?
Everyone knows that this thread Krissy made is not rules and the way you put the photos together is making fake evidence again! Lmao you just did this yesterday smh. The times are 11 and 1 so quit playing
Yeah, and they are far apart. Lol. Unless you have proof that they were within 1 hour of eachother, ill see you in 3 days.
He didn't brake any rules. You dropped the photos together even though they are a huge time diffrence apart. Get over yourself pony just because you can't take a rating you make fake reports then lie about them. SMH
I have been reported about 130 times, and i have never been banned by report. And I sure as hell doubt a guy who refers to himself as "pony knight of the order" will be the first. However good luck with your half assed attempts to get me banned. It makes for great meme material.