My ign: baby_12_34 Other(s) ign: WbcPvp_123 Server: Opfactions Broken rule(s): Harassment Evidence:
We do not accept cropped screenshots. If you have the full ones, please post or edit them in. If not, if you end up getting later evidence of this player please use a full screenshot and report again. Let me know if you don't have them.
I don't have full screenshot, but do NOT close this thread because once i go back on they will go back to harassing me and i can collect more evidence with full screenshots, sorry i didn't know you needed full screenshots :P
I'm going to close the thread in the mean time okay? When you get evidence, you can easily make a new thread ♡ Thank you for the report. Unfortunately the evidence provided is insufficient. Should you gain more evidence in the future, do not hesitate to report this player(s) again. Kind regards, The Staff