Your ingame name: Dillon232 The offender's ingame name: Ducky_Puppy,Discdogg1000,Saq123 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Disrespect/cursing Evidence/screenshots. This is all before i got falsely banned
Someone called me a dick so I asked them how I am one... KKK Means Kool Kids Klub. Oh and by the way... This was 5 days ago... So its too old to report. And when was Damn a swear word...
this was a while back when we were getting raided, i was really pissed so i decided to do this. And this is pretty pathetic btw.
There is no disrespect or cursing in this thread/report. The "kkk" was expalined to what it was referred as. Lack Of Evidence