Your ingame name: Ducky_Puppy The offender's ingame name: shonal cosmicfury A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Ban Evading Evidence/screenshots. I received some information that cosmicfury was shonals hacking account. I am requesting an ip check as I do not want shonal on factions again.
when people piss me off thats wat happens i also know 2 mods logins i reconment u change ur passwords & everyone else change ur password while u can i left some out from mineverse cause i am personally going to screew with them
Shonal you srub, I put all of those accounts in a checker and none of them work. GG kid scraping fake alts. This is no worry. Kid only way your going to get alts is to keylogg. Scrub just got off the server
Threats.. All you can do shonal. Quit being a raging kid and stop doing "Threats" Do something, We don't need you.