You're kidding right? -.- How exactly is this "Disrespect" All I see here is a player trying to get me demoted for no reason. Also, the reason I said "Damn it" was because I was about to record a hacker and they got killed. I really don't see how I'm disrespecting anyone in any way.. @ScoFu13 please deal with this...
Honestly, 'damn it' isn't really an offence. I believe that it has the asterisks when you try to say it because people can take things the wrong way. Only ScoFu can deal with this, so you'll have to wait.
I also have another player online saying "What a mod you are, not even replying to people" I literally just typed in "brb" in he's going off at me. Geez
It depends how you see it. I don't find it offensive, but others might. But then again, you do have a point.
I'm not even going to bother arguing. That is spam. @ScoFu13 please deal with this. This report is ridiculous. All I see is a player trying to get me demoted for no reason. He also doesn't believe that I record all my bans. He wants to see my Ban log but he can't. So he says I'm lying.
3yerrt lol thats not spam and im not saying that you dont record your bans i dont beleive and i dont belevie lets leave it at that
@cameron123, what have I ever done to you to make you want to get me demoted. I only got mod yesterday. I only met you yesterday. I have also wanted mod for ages, so why would I abuse my power as soon as I got it? Dude, get a life and stop trying to make others miserable..
************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Seriously? When talking to a member, never say this. This is considered disrespect. I know you got Mod about two days ago but I want you to be careful with your words. I can't blame you for getting ticked off at this guy. He's been reported a numerous amount of times, as well as reported me for "disrespect." And before muting someone for spam, give them a warning and/or kick. This will prevent further abusive reports. Also, do not close your own report.
Applied warning for the rate abuse towards 3yerrt. UnHidden Content: ************************************************************************************************************************************ 3yerrt, you're a new staff member, you need to learn how to handle things properly. Telling him to get a life is disrespectful, right? You can't tell some person to go get a life, especially if you're a moderator. People look up to you like a role model. The report was somewhat invalid due to the fact "damn it" isn't considered a vulgar word, but since you acted immature on this report of yours, then it's valid. Please do not 'dislike' or even rate his report towards you, it's consider as an immature act from staff member. I'll admit, I have been in this situation before. Please do not act arrogant/cocky on reports on you. As I stated above, 3yerrt, you're a new moderator, but you need to get your together at some point. Apologize for the hidden content. Awaiting ScoFu's reply.
UnHidden Content: ******************************************************************************************************************************************************** dude, never tell normal player to get a life, you cant do that. And never lock your own report.
Thank you for the report. I will lock it and we will await further word from ScoFu13 or CypriotMerks.
*********************************************************************************************************************************** Thank you Firo. I understand how I acter very immaturily and I regret it. As you said, I'm a new mod and I'm still learning. In the future I will make sure I do not rate or even comment on a report against me, all I will do is tag Sco
To start things off, Damn is an acceptable word and not a swear. There is no reason to report a moderator for this. Reporting a mod for false pretenses can get you warning points, however in your eyes, damn is bad and therefore interpreted the mod to be breaking a rule. So the report is legitimized for you to make one in that sense. This being said, the mod will not be punished for saying Damn. Second, he did end up disrespecting you a bit in the argument you both had in the comments following your initial report. I will discuss his behavior with him. Thank you for the report, however it is invalid as Damn is allowed. ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* Ok a few things here. 3yerrt, when there is a report on you here is my advice; -Do not argue. Do not flame. Do not rate. etc. -State your side of the situation once and move on. No matter what else the person adds, do not add fuel to the fire. -Never lock or close a report made on you. No need to tag me in staff reports. I watch the thread and get alerts when one is made. Never issue the warning points on a player for reporting a staff. I will do that if it is necessary. DJRyan, I thought we discussed this already, You are not a mod. Please do not be locking moderator report threads. If people had more to add they should be able to until I come and either close/resolve it or leave it pending until I can get Cypriot onto it. Please remember you are just a guard atm. Stay in your lane. This report is locked and archived due to being an invalid staff report.