Sorry to whatever mod has to deal with this. Your ingame name: MissPVP_ The offender's ingame name: zaryop100 , TheSteeFlame , vicernice , djaderek , & aaronhur072001 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: All of them are usuing kill aura.
zaryop100 will be banned. vicernice is already banned. DJADerek and aaronhur072001 will be banned. Also bossoclock21 will be banned for advertising. I'm going to leave this open for another mod to decide on TheSteeFlame.
You can tell I am not use kill aura -.- if I was why wouldn't I hit you when you were behind me? Or is that why you logged off to try off your hacks and put fraps on ... Let the mods decide
Don't deny it, those were obvious hacks and blaming someone else for your hacks and falsely accusing someone of hacking wont help you :/
In MissPvP_`s video I don't see any evidence of TheSteeFlame hacking just pointing that out (my opinion)
I will highlight the times when people's hacks are best shown: *Also, a little side note: at 1:59 a guy is advertising a server... Zaryop: 0:49 Steel: Pretty much the entire video DJaderek: 4:58-5:10 A-A-Ron: 5:49 Nice report
Oh really how come I didn't hit her when she was behind me kid...!!! I am sorry if your not good at Pvp but idgaf about your opinion just the mods