My Username: MrPronounce Offender's Username: YRVintage Game-Mode: You choose either Lobby or Skywars Rule Broken: Hacked Client Use, taken from his thread (Check Proof: Proof: I checked his thread, the one called "oops", also Link: I then noticed something weird, at the top it says "(Ghost/Vanilla)", and I don't really recall that every showing on the normal version of the game, so I searched Google, and indeed, I found a hacked client called "Ghost", so I loaded it. Me Running Optifine 1.8.9 Me Running Ghost hacked client (Purely for proof usage) Extra: Thought I'd use his skin as a referral to his username. Check his screenshot and match it with his username's skin:-
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Banned.