Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Jenn, Apr 14, 2016.
Kill me Please.
CONGRATS BB hahaha <3 ;)
no it didnt exstat just unbanned because you're to much of a noob to even know how to bypass it
i was too lazy to bypass it
Argh just as my ears were recovering
I died
im sorry I fna
I might love you.
Brain hemorage
I agree to this.
This is the best thing ever, your skills are 1000/10
Turns on*
@CypriotMerks + @PastelLoser = PastelMerks
I can't wait for cyp to see this.
rip ears
Omi. @PastelLoser I'm your #1 fan!!! Can I have your autograh PLEASE??
He already did. https://i.gyazo.com/d04ff668a4cdef306a4e33756dac7ad6.png Rip my vocal chords Sur.
She's one of the best singers in the land :>