I saw BajanCanadian get ganked by 4 other people in Survival Games. Would've been in that video if they didn't kill him, oh wells, won that game none the less. GrailMore (Antvenom's girlfriend) - Recently played a game of The Blocking Dead with her. deadlox - Saw him afk his plot in a prison server. inthelittlewood - Did a dungeon with him. I got others but I can't recall. You gotta remember I've been playing MC since 2011. lol
I've met Minkks on a different server. We had full on conversations while he was looking for WildCat and waiting for him on Crewniverse. He is actually a very nice guy.
I remember seeing Benja and Bacca a while back. I've seen ExplodingTNT twice, BrutishKiller (RageGamingVideos), MunchingBrotato (only for a few seconds), SSundee, and GraserMC.
It's one of StimpyPvP's 50k subs special resource pack folder resource pack... download that folder and select PYX SWORD EDIT YOLO-converted-1398053341947
I saw BajanCanadian, TheCodyMaverick, and AviatorGaming. (Ill post pictures of BajanCanadian and TheCodyMaverick and AviatorGaming later.)
i saw everyone captain skydoes mc deadlox notch jeb and everyone on thsi secret server nobody knows. i found somebody and they know where they play
XerainGaming (2 People who I forgot their usernames) - Played a Blitz Survival Games with them while they were live streaming. Then they commented on how I had a girl skin but my name was Larry, and then they tried to kill me xD