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    Discussion in 'Media Applications' started by KroBobul, Jun 4, 2020.

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    1. KroBobul

      KroBobul Established Member

      May 17, 2020
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      In-game name: Krobobul

      la channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsMFsNMySIH-toteDgKH2rg
      a lil bit about me: umm i like long walks on the beach and i’m a slut for a coffee and a dart in the morning.
      Nah for real though i’m a 20 year old Australian dude trying to make YT videos, currently have 2 on the MV skyblock and another on the survival with 1 uploading as i’m typing this, i understand i don’t have the recommended subscribers but i think the rank will help getting me on the roll with it. My goal is to upload at least 2 videos a week. Which would most likely all be on the MV server
      Subscribers amount: 11
      Views per video after 24 hours: 10ish

      Before applying make sure you meet the requirements here.
      Do you meet the requirements: Y/N[/CENTER]
    2. Atom

      Atom Legendary Member

      Jan 19, 2017
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      Unfortunately you don't meet the requirements for YouTube rank at this time. We encourage you to read the requirements needed.

      Feel free to fill out an application in the future.
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