Can someone make me a cool Youtube Banner & Profile picture with (Droppied) as the text and with a Minecraft theme.. It would be heaps appreciated.
Thank you so much just a minecraft pvp background would be good, i'm only needing a profile picture really desperate but if you could do both i would really appreciate it. I only really post minecraft, nothing else for that channel so just any minecraft theme would be great.
Yeah i'm sorry, I can't crop it without half of it being missing. You could use it as your forums avatar
Yeah it does work as an avatar on forums but still cuts most of it, off would you be able to make it the correct fitting for youtube profile picture? cause i really like it.
@GbDuck could you possible do me a banner, and profile picture that isn't minecraft themed just a nice banner, that's got like a black kind of city in the background or something like that, whatever looks cool to you man and i need a good profile pic with something cool with my youtube channel name Droppied and i will be able to get back to you with some money and pay you with the final product if i like it