Hey guys!Would just like you guys to subscribe to my YouTube channel! -=+=-Description-=+=- My channel will be posting mineverse videos every 2 Weeks! And my content right now is minecraft pvp! New videos are out now! I will always be active on this channel so please like and comment! And please Subscribe!!! When I reach my goal with getting over a thousand subs which will be probably next year or so, I will give away one of the official minecon cape codes! Minecon 2017 capes! I will be at minecon with 4 people which means I will get 8 capes in total! -=+=-How to enter the giveaway-=+=- Just subscribe and stay active on my channel! wait for the giveaway video to come out! type your IGN and email! 3 winners will be announced after 2 months!!! Reminders: 1.) I don't scam. I'm just asking for your e-mail for me to know who to send the cape link e-mail from minecon. 2.) If you don't subscribe I will know due to a website that can show who subscribed to me and you won't count in the contest! -=+=-Link to channel-=+=- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBFswIqJky7wf9kRxYQWNLg
why not post this later in the year? Also I wouldn't be all that happy to post my email on a youtube channel. I'll PM you it when the event is around the corner