When @Glaadiator doesn't reply to a ban appeal that's been up for a week or so. What grinds YOUR gears?
you know what really grinds my gears? when you post apps for being mods and people tell you ya have to be on forums more often. also when threads left open since November have gone with out a closing explanation. no hate. just grinds my gears.
... Can you please be patient? I'm at school for 7 hours a day, I don't check Mineverse in the morning. I have homework, tests, and everything in between and as much as I'm trying to weigh in some time for the server, it's been hard. I am trying to get things done, I promise. But tagging me in every post you make is NOT necessary! Please stop doing that. I get alerts from you replying AND tagging me. You don't need to tag me.
But it drives me crazy going to mineverse and going through creative only to see " spamming appeal@http://mineverse.com -Glaad" And even though you don't understand how much this means to me, I still respect how you do even take the time to reply and stuff. I meant no harm or hate in this. This is just a rant. I don't feel bad for it either because there is nothing to feel bad for. as you see its hard to be patient for weeks on weeks. Random- I go to school 7hrs a day as well, not saying im any better then you, but I always check in my alerts for your username.
You know what really grinds my gears? When so dumb kid thinks that the moderators don't have lives and blames a bunch of crap on them. They have lives, some of them have school. Sometimes we need to STOP and think would I like it if someone said that to me? They are trying the best to make this a great Mineverse community and YOU @Sheep need to realize that they are trying their best so back off man!! Thanks @Glaadiator for all you do!! Also thanks to all the moderators!! <3 <3
Thank you, Beast, but I am going to lock this as it will only start a flame war... Sheep, I will get onto your appeal now and continue it later tonight. Ty.